Wednesday 19 January 2011


It's one in the morning, and I've given up on the struggle for sleep.
Outside, water thick-knees are making strange sharp little calls and running around on their long little legs, eating insects.

And I'm Here. Here being home in East Africa, after a year's absence.
Being immersed in the world--savoring having bare feet and wearing a sarong again, mesmerized by the thrumming of fans and the din of East African birds.

The power went out when I turned up two days ago, so I spent a hot afternoon lying out on the verandah on a Cambodian grass mat with ants crawling over me, staring foggily at a hibiscus tree with sunbirds and barbets zipping about, feeling... happy.

However, I'm well grateful that Iringa, where I will be in five days time, is higher and cooler, perfect for writing. The coast is a place where one's brain just wants to pack it in altogether, I find, and take to swimming every day and staring in awe at fish...

Thinking deep and meaningful thoughts like Whoa, fish.

That's all I've got this dark night. Over and out, world...

1 comment:

Griffen said...

I'm quite certain that we are TOO out of touch if you are in Tanzania and I could not know. If you are at the coast, then we are closer than should even be ALLOWED without having plans to see you somehow. Maybe we could make it to Iringa? What's the travel agenda like (ie. will it be bringing you closer to the coast again at some point in the next two months?) We would love to converge upon the same place at the same time, if only for a night. Easier said than done, but I'm pretty willing to make this happen if at all possible. Are you using email? I saw you've said farewell to facebook for the time-being...